Hello everyone,
In preparation for a Hurricane, I am asking all MSPB employees to stay alert by listening to the news. If there is a regional disaster message from Palm Beach County Emergency Preparedness Office, this will be the message for MSPB employees that the office may be closed. We are instituting a call-in hotline with a recorded message to advise our patients and staff of our operational status in the event of a hurricane or severe weather affecting our area. The emergency hotline will have the most updated information. For staff, we will also have an emergency texting system. To enroll in the emergency texting system please text the word “Enroll” to 561-739-4143. The emergency texting system is for employees only. During this hurricane season we will continue to keep the lines of communication open to be prepared and address any major disaster that threatens South Florida.
Employees can feel free to call the hotline for operational updates. The hotline number is: (561) 709-5425.
If the office is closed, we have implemented a “weather disaster” message to be displayed on all Broadsmart office messages, which will let your patients know that the office is closed due to severe weather. It will also refer to the emergency MSPB hotline number for operational updates, should patients need them. If your office is not on Broadsmart, please make sure you change the phone system over to a closure message and feel free to refer to our emergency hotline number above as well.
I am asking the office managers to determine a plan of action for your office. It is recommended, as a precaution, that you update your staff telephone list with current mobile telephone numbers and distribute to your key management personnel. Your employees should all have your cell phone number. The corporate office is following school closures.
Due to how widespread our geographic locations are, we are asking that each lead physician in the office make the final determination of office closures and openings. It is your responsibility to keep myself and Joshua Haney in the loop of any office closures, so we can take appropriate action with managing your phones for patient messaging and updating our emergency hotline message.
In the event of expected closures due to extreme weather, Joshua Haney, MSPB IT Director, is asking all employees to adhere to the following:
Shut down equipment- this would include computers, printers, copiers, etc. If you see a machine in your area that is still on by the end of the day, please shut it down. Please close all blinds and shut office doors internally.
Clean desk policy- please file all paperwork in its place just in case of a window breech or water damage. -
Print schedules for the following day along with any essential medical records (last office visit note) in the event our EHR system or internet is offline.
Most importantly, please keep you and your families safe.
Please feel free to contact me on my cell phone with any questions or concerns.
Danielle L. Webb, MHA
Chief Operating Officer
Medical Specialists of the Palm Beaches, Inc.
7593 W. Boynton Beach Blvd, Suite #220
Boynton Beach, FL 33437
Tel: 561.966.7702